Synthetic Grass

Synthetic Grass

Synthetic Grass

We can fit our products into any surface. Our turf is built to withstand all environments. Your synthetic lawn will withstand droughts and extremely-damp conditions. We create the look and feel you desire while reducing the time, money and effort it takes to maintain your space. Our products are constructed with environmentally-friendly material, and chemical treatments not needed. Your turf will be virtually maintenance free. When it comes to your project we will help you build something that lasts for years into the future.

We provide a proven Synthetic Pet grass solution for hundreds of pet applicationss

Our Synthetic Pet grass is a safe for pets and non-allegenic. Synthetic Pet grass is perfect for indoor and outdoor usage for large or small areas. It’s durable and resilient and it simply looks stunning.

Our grass is easy on pets’ joints and provides an innovative sanitary solution for when pets relieve themselves. It works perfectly during emergency situations like hurricanes and other inclement weather situations.